Rebuild Trust

Rebuild Trust


I’m SO thankful we didn’t listen to the voices who said there was no way trust could ever be rebuilt and that our marriage couldn’t be restored.

For those of you who are new here, I’ll make a long story short: years ago, early in our marriage, I made a terrible choice to be unfaithful. E could have left me, but he chose not to and I’m so grateful— especially when I look at the life we’ve lived over the last eight years. We worked hard together to get to where we’re at today. I’ve been getting a lot of questions on how we rebuilt trust, so I compiled everything we’ve learned in this PDF.

In this 35-page digital download, I write about 7 key practices to rebuild trust and include a relevant activity to complete with each one. I’ve also included 7 bonus resources and strategies to help improve connection and intimacy.

We hope our story and experience of a renewed relationship helps guide and encourage you in yours and are proud of you for investing in your relationship!

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